WhatsApp is reportedly working on updating its famous chat app with inbox filters in order to assist maintain tune of users’ chats and organize it in accordance to people’s convenience.
The Meta-owned app has been criticized for being difficult to use for many years, mainly when keeping apart and retaining tabs on conversations.
However, now that is eventually changing, thanks to the new update, according to TechLoy.
When navigating through messages more efficiently, you will be in a position to organize and locate your most necessary conversations with this addition.
This characteristic will also let you separate “Unread” and “Groups” chats, making it less difficult to get right of entry to your conversations.
To the pinnacle of the app’s wellknown listing of conversations, this update will introduce three filter buttons.
With the different two choices being “Unread” and “Groups”, “All,” which is the default, will show all messages
The free update is possibly to be accessible to all users in the coming weeks, according to Meta. Moreover, WhatsApp ought to be looking to amplify its two billion users international with this update.